Do you find yourself with TOO many WIPS? (works in progress)?
How about PHDs(projects half done)...
or PIGS(projects in grocery bags)...
Or can’t figure out which one to work on?

If you are like me and you have quilters ADHD...
...Organization is KEY.
So I’d like to give you some ideas on how to get those WIPS done!!
If you are going on a retreat, this will be especially helpful as you will have those projects ready to grab and go!
Ways to Organize your WIPS:
Use a quilt planner (we are building one...coming soon! More details on that soon!)
Make a list. Write out all the wips or phds or pigs that you have. You can’t finish them if you don’t know what you have.
Separate them out! Unused pizza boxes 🍕or clear plastic boxes are a great way to separate each project and its components from the “pile”.
Gather all the pieces together. Put each project together with its pattern, thread, fabrics, specialty rulers and supplies and label it.
Put them where you can see 👀 them. Use a dry erase board or cork board to keep your list on prominent display
Make a pact with yourself to finish 1 a month or to finish 1 WIP before you start a new project
Challenge a friend or group of friends to join you. List how many you want to do each month and offer prizes to those who finish the month’s list

Get serious and purge those wips/pigs/phds that you have lost interest in. Offer them to a friend or put them on the free table at your guild. You don’t HAVE to finish everything you’ve ever started. Maybe you lost interest in the project, maybe you started one for a holiday or event and it’s now past it’s due date and you aren’t motivated to finish.
Plan out Gifts. Think of who you might gift that finished project to in order to motivate you to finish. Friend? Family? Nursing home? Veteran? Your guild’s charity group?
Go on a retreat and take those wips with you instead of starting a new project for your retreat. Retreats are a great way to get stuff done!
Ready to plan your group's next quilt retreat? Start here!